ADTRAN - 3192 H4TU-C

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3192 H4TU C JOBAid 61222404L1 22D 0311 3192 H4TU C CLEI T1L56YSC__ jgffMIL H ruc 1222404L1 LED STATUS Adirati DSL1 DSL2 Green Loop 1 Loop 2 synchronization achieved and signal is present No errors currently detected and SNR margin gt 3 dB Red Loop 1 Loop 2 synchronization not achieved in sync with errors or SNR margin lt 3 dB DSX Green DSX 1 signal present and no errors currently detected Red In framed mode denotes loss of framing or loss of sync at the DSX 1 input In unframed mode denotes loss of signal DSX 1 input ALM O Off No T1 alarms are active Red Loss of DSX 1 signal from the network Yellow Loss of DS1 signal from the CPE ESF SF o Off Uni ...